Articles by Taxonomic Group

A taxonomic study of Melampsora (Uredinales) on Populus in Bulgaria
Roumyana D. Petrova & Cvetomir M. Denchev
Mycologia Balcanica 3: 155–161 (2006)
Published online: 28 December 2006
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A taxonomic revision of Melampsora on Populus in Bulgaria was carried out. The study yielded distributions of M. allii-populina, M. populnea (f. sp. laricis, f. sp. magnusiana, f. sp. pinitorqua, and f. sp. rostrupii) and M. larici-populina on 20 host species of Allium, Mercurialis, Pinus, and Populus, representing a total of 28 rust/host combinations. Three species of Populus are recorded as new hosts for Bulgaria. The morphological characteristics and distribution of these rust fungi are reported.

Bulgaria, fungal diversity, Melampsora, Populus, rust fungi, taxonomy, Uredinales