Articles by Taxonomic Group

Identification of Armillaria species on different hosts from Iran
S.A.R. Dalili, S.G. Nanagulyan & S.V. Alavi
Mycologia Balcanica 5: 119–122 (2008)
Published online: 23 December 2008
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Thirty five isolates of Armillaria were obtained from 15 different host species in fruit orchards and forest regions of Iran. In order to identify species, diploid and haploid cultures were paired with two or three known haploid tester isolates from each intersterile group. Sexual compatibility was evaluated after 6 to 8 weeks based on changes in morphology of haploid colonies from white, with aerial mycelium (fluffy) to brownish, without aerial mycelium (crustose). Citrus aurantium and Abies alba were identified as new hosts of Armillaria mellea; Carpinus betulus was identified as a new host of Armillaria gallica in Iran, which previously has been reported from Serbia and Montenegro. Armillaria spp. isolated from Diospyros lotus, Carpinus betulus, and Alnus subcordata, were not compatible with any tester strains. Diospyros lotus, Citrus aurantium, and Abies alba were new hosts of Armillaria spp. from Iran.

Armillaria, compatibility test, Iran, isolates, hosts