ISSN 1314-7781 (online)
ISSN 1314-7129 (print)
MYCOBIOTA is an international, peer-reviewed, research journal devoted to the taxonomy, phylogeny, nomenclature, and conservation of fungi and fungus-like organisms. All papers are peer-reviewed by at least two specialists prior to acceptance.
MYCOBIOTA was established in 2004 as MYCOLOGIA BALCANICA (ISSN 1312-3300) and changed its name to MYCOBIOTA in 2013.
MYCOBIOTA is an open access electronic journal. Additionally, a limited number of print copies are also distributed (for details about the payment, see How to Order). Papers may be of any length. There are no publication charges. There is no extra charge for colour illustrations.
The publication in MYCOBIOTA is open to all mycologists or other specialists having interest in mycology.
Only papers written in English are accepted for consideration.
Papers appropriate for the journal should fall into one of the following categories:
- monographs (taxonomic revisions or contributions exceeding 60 printed pages);
- full length articles,
- reporting original and well-documented taxonomic revisions of genera or higher taxa (preferably, in large geographic areas), descriptions of new taxa, phylogenetic analyses, new records with high impact, nomenclature novelties, etc.;
- reporting original and well-documented studies connected with conservation of fungi;
- notes or brief articles, reporting short original research results or timely novel findings;
- checklists and catalogues;
- reviews.
Publication of monographs and large taxonomic contributions and revisions will be encouraged. ISBN numbers will be assigned to the monographic papers. Less comprehensive taxonomic papers (notes or brief articles), e.g. dealing with a few new records, will be accepted for consideration only if their importance is clearly explained. Publication of checklists and catalogues will be limited to those with high impact.
All manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief.
Authors should consult the Editor-in-Chief before submitting a review manuscript.
The submitted papers must be original and of high scientific standards, as applied methods and presented results and discussion or analyses.
Submission of a manuscript for consideration by MYCOBIOTA indicates (i) that the authors have neither previously published (except in the form of an abstract) nor are simultaneously submitting substantially the same material in another research journal or book; (ii) that in case of multiple authorship, it is read and approved by all authors; and (iii) that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere including electronically in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the copyright-holder. Manuscripts which are substandard in these requirements will be not considered.
Abstracted and indexed in: CAB Abstracts, Crossref, EBSCO, Index Fungorum
Publisher: MYCOBIOTA (e-mail: