Articles by Taxonomic Group

The genus Pericladium (Ustilaginales). Pericladiaceae fam. nov.
Kálmán Vánky
Mycologia Balcanica 8: 147–152 (2011)
Published online: 13 December 2011
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An historical account is given of the smut fungus genus Pericladium and its species, parasitic on members of Grewia (Malvaceae). The genus is characterised and descriptions of its three recognised species, P. grewiae, P. piperis and P. tiliacearum are given, along with their synonyms, host plant range and geographic distribution. A key to the species of Pericladium is presented. Arguments are enumerated for the necessity of description of a new family, Pericladiaceae, to accommodate Pericladium within the Ustilaginales.

Grewia, Malvaceae, Pericladiaceae, Pericladium, Pericladium grewiae, plant parasite, smut fungi, Ustilaginales
Smut fungi in Africa – a checklist
Kálmán Vánky, Christine Vánky & Cvetomir M. Denchev
Mycologia Balcanica 8: 1–77 (2011)
Published online: 07 June 2011
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The checklist of the smut fungi of Africa and adjacent islands contains 427 species in 47 genera, arranged alphabetically. A short description of each genus is provided. For each species the author(s), place of publication, type(s), nomenclatural and taxonomic synonyms are given, as well as the host plant family, host plant genus (genera), and general distribution are mentioned. For each species the African host plants and the countries from where they are known are enumerated. A chapter of doubtful, excluded or invalidly published taxa is compiled. A list of selected literature is completing the paper. The checklist reflects the great, but incompletely known biodiversity of Africa.

Africa, biodiversity, smut fungi, taxonomy