Articles by Taxonomic Group

Published online: 30 May 2008
During studies concerning the occurrence of some fungi and fungus-like organisms in the Biała River in Bialystok, forty-three species were established. Among 34 straminipilous fungi, the most common species were Achlya americana, A. debaryana, A. polyandra, Aphanomyces laevis, Dictyuchus monosporus, Pythium debaryanum, Saprolegnia ferax, and S. parasitica. New for the Polish fungal biota were Achlya ambisexualis, Calyptralegnia basraensis, and Achlya papillosa. Achlya crenulata, A. diffusa, A. flagellata, Aphanomyces stellatus, and Pythium afertile were considered rare. Physical and chemical analysis showed that the water of Biała River in Białystok had a high content of ammonium nitrogen and phosphate, reflecting poor cleanliness.

Published online: 30 November 2004
Studies concerning the occurrence of some parasitic and predatory fungi and fungus-like organisms, collected in different water reservoirs: springs, lakes, and ponds of Podlasie Province, were made in the years 2001-2004. Bait method was used to isolate the fungi and fungus-like organisms. The following species of parasitic and predatory fungi and fungus-like organisms were found: Ancylistes netrii, Arthrobotrys brochopaga, A. dactyloides, A. oligospora, Euryancale sacciospora, Sommerstorffia spinosa, Zoopage phanera, Zoophagus insidians, and Z. tentaclum.