Articles by Taxonomic Group

A call for a renewed and pan-European strategic effort on the taxonomy of rust fungi (Uredinales)
Stephan Helfer, Reinhard Berndt, Cvetomir M. Denchev, Salvatore Moricca, Christian Scheuer, Markus Scholler & Jacqueline M. St.Quinton
Mycologia Balcanica 8: 79–81 (2011)
Published online: 07 June 2011
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This paper is a call for new research on European rust fungi, initiated by the participants of the EURED (European Uredinales Initiative) meeting, a satellite workshop of the 9th International Mycological Congress in Edinburgh 2010.

biodiversity, Europe, rust fungi, taxonomy
Puccinia bornmuelleri on cultivated Levisticum
Cătălin Tănase, Halvor B. Gjærum & Ovidiu Constantinescu
Mycologia Balcanica 4: 75–76 (2007)
Published online: 20 June 2007
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A Puccinia fungus parasitic on cultivated Levisticum officinale was found in various areas of Romania starting in 2000. The fungus is described, illustrated, and identified as Puccinia bornmuelleri, a species previously known from Iran and Afghanistan.

Iran, Levisticum officinale, Puccinia bornmuelleri, Romania
A taxonomic study of Melampsora (Uredinales) on Populus in Bulgaria
Roumyana D. Petrova & Cvetomir M. Denchev
Mycologia Balcanica 3: 155–161 (2006)
Published online: 28 December 2006
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A taxonomic revision of Melampsora on Populus in Bulgaria was carried out. The study yielded distributions of M. allii-populina, M. populnea (f. sp. laricis, f. sp. magnusiana, f. sp. pinitorqua, and f. sp. rostrupii) and M. larici-populina on 20 host species of Allium, Mercurialis, Pinus, and Populus, representing a total of 28 rust/host combinations. Three species of Populus are recorded as new hosts for Bulgaria. The morphological characteristics and distribution of these rust fungi are reported.

Bulgaria, fungal diversity, Melampsora, Populus, rust fungi, taxonomy, Uredinales
A taxonomic study of Phragmidiaceae (Uredinales) in Bulgaria
Roumyana D. Petrova & Cvetomir M. Denchev
Mycologia Balcanica 1: 95–115 (2004)
Published online: 30 November 2004
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A taxonomic revision of Phragmidiaceae in Bulgaria was carried out. The study yielded distribution of 5 genera, among which Frommeëla (F. tormentillae) is a new Bulgarian genus record, and 16 species on 46 hosts from Rosaceae, making 61 rust-host combinations. Trachyspora pentaphylleae is reported for the first time from Bulgaria and the Balkan Peninsula. Twenty-two rust-host combinations are new records for Bulgaria, viz. Phragmidium bulbosum on Rubus canescens and R. praecox; Ph. mucronatum on Rosa canina var. andegavensis, R. dumalis, and R. pendulina; Ph. potentillae on Potentilla bornmuelleri and P. pedata; Ph. sanguisorbae on Sanguisorba minor subsp. muricata; Ph. tuberculatum on Rosa centifolia, R. chinensis, R. damascena, R. dumalis, R. pendulina, and R. turcica; Ph. violaceum on Rubus canescens var. glabratus, R. geniculatus, and R. radula; Trachyspora intrusa on Alchemilla catachnoa, A. connivens, A. gorcensis, A. incisa, and A. jumrukczalica. Twenty-six rust-host combinations, previously recorded for Bulgaria, are treated here as doubtful or wrong records, viz. Phragmidium bulbosum on Fragaria vesca, Rubus corylifolius, R. fruticosus, R. glandulosus, R. nemorosus, R. thyrsanthus, and Rubus thyrsoideus; Ph. fragariae on Fragaria vesca and Potentilla patula; Ph. fusiforme on Rosa gallica and R. pulverulenta (R. glutinosa); Ph. mucronatum on Rosa micrantha; Ph. potentillae on Potentilla crantzii; Ph. tuberculatum on Rosa arvensis, R. myriacantha, R. sepium, R. spinosissima, and R. vosagiaca; Ph. violaceum on Rubus fruticosus, R. macrostachys, and R. nemorosus; Kuehneola uredinis on Rubus caesius and R. glandulosus; Trachyspora intrusa on Alchemilla gracilima, A. heterophylla, and A. pubescens.

Bulgaria, Kuehneola, Phragmidium, Rosaceae, taxonomy, Trachyspora
New records of Uredinales from Romania
Cătălin Tănase & Gavril Negrean
Mycologia Balcanica 1: 67–68 (2004)
Published online: 09 February 2004
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Puccinia campanulae and P. galanthi are added to the Mycoflora of Romania, and Uromyces dianthi is recorded on a new host, Dianthus leptopetalus.

fungi, new records, Romania, Uredinales