Articles by Taxonomic Group

Published online: 13 December 2011
Thirty eight species from eighteen genera of ascomycetous and anamorphic fungi are reported for the first time from Mt. Strandzha in Turkey.

Published online: 14 January 2011
Synnemacrodictys stilboidea on Ailanthus altissima and Juniperus chinensis is recorded for the first time from Korea and Asia. Occurrence of Diplodia subtecta on Acer palmatum, Melanconis aucta on Alnus glutinosa, and Microbotryum stellariae on Stellaria graminea is reported from Bulgaria. Records of three larger basidiomycetes are given as new for Ukraine (Cantharellus amethysteus) and Bulgaria (Sarcodon joeides and Pluteus salicinus). A new Turkish record of a myxomycete, Physarum perfectum, is also presented.

Published online: 30 May 2008
Physarum galbeum is reported for the first time from Turkey. Four species of fungi are recorded for the first time from Bulgaria (Botryosphaeria visci on Viscum album, Erysiphe elevata on Catalpa bignonioides, Erysiphe flexuosa on Aesculus hippocastanum, and Scleroderma polyrhizum). Additionally, Botryosphaeria visci is a new record for Romania.