Guidelines to Referees
MYCOBIOTA is a peer-reviewed journal.
- Articles submitted by authors are evaluated by at least two peer experts in the field, selected by the editors.
- The reviewers recommend whether the submitted article should be published, revised, or rejected.
- The authors do not know who is reviewing their work.
MYCOBIOTA is a journal, committed to rapid editorial decisions and publication. The reviewers are asked to respond promptly. If they anticipate a delay, longer than previously expected, they should in due time to inform the editor so he/she can keep the authors informed or if necessary, to find an alternative reviewer.
The reviewers’ identities are not released to authors or to other reviewers. The reviewers should remain anonymous throughout the review process and beyond. They should not identify themselves to authors without the editor’s knowledge. If, however, the reviewer has revealed his or her identity to the author, the authors have to inform the editor, as soon as possible. Conversely, the Editorial Board does not accept attempts by authors to reveal the reviewers and/or to confront them.
The REVIEWER’S CHECK LIST can be downloaded here.